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Development of the AVANGARDKHLEB

Development of the AVANGARDKHLEB

Development of the AVANGARDKHLEB

The reduction of real income for the Russian population led to the fact that for the first time after several years of stagnation, the Russian bread market in 2015 grew by 0.8%, reaching 6,743 thousand tons. Before that, consumption of bread was decreasing, starting from 2005 by 1-3% per year. In the next 2-3 years, a further decline of income is expected, which will provoke an increase of demand in the bread market, since bread is the most affordable product for the general population and it satisfies basic food needs.


In different regions, the consumption of bread per capita varies greatly from 50 to 100 kg per person. In 2015, the average retail price for all baked goods increased by 11.4% and amounted to 62.7 rubles (including increased prices for rye and wheat bread by 14.3% to 40p / kg). In the market there is a redistribution: as the share of large bakeries decreases, the share of bakeries increases. Bakeries occupy 15% of total production, and by 2018, the share of bakeries is expected to increase to 18%


1. Our production of mass and inexpensive types of bread (1st grade, Borodinsky, loaf, Kupecheskiy) is completely in line with the realities of the market. For these products, it is necessary to maintain good quality, to think through logistics and to expand distribution system, also through the chain stores. We also plan to expand the our line of goods, for example, by producing bread made from flour of the highest grade (600 gr). Additionally, it is necessary to master the production of the main variants of muffins made from premium high quality flour.

2.One of the most popular bakery products is bagel type goods. Bagels (and their derivatives - sushka and bagels) are rather specific products: they can be stored longer than usual bread, and are easier to manufacture, but they cost relatively (counting by weight) more.


Demand for them is very high, although, as a rule, in the bread industry, bagel type products are produced as an accessory product, more for the assortment. They are not generally considered worthwhile products to manufacture and in all of Russia it is unlikely to find 10 companies that manufacture them though, In fact, this approach is quite wrong. So, considering the double profitability and longer shelf life, as well as the simplicity of implementation, which occurs through the same store chain as conventional bakery products, bagel type products appear to be much more profitable in production.

3. Another interesting direction of the development of the AvangardKhleb is the production of breads.

In Russia, the consumption of dietary bread accounts for 0.5% of the total bread market. This is a very small figure compared to Europe. At the same time, there is a demand for this product from people who have some medical restrictions, so it can be promoted to budget organizations (hospitals, kindergartens, schools), and there is also demand from young people oriented towards a healthier lifestyle. According to experts, this segment of the bread market will grow very quickly.

4. Another line of our production can be European breads, for example, Italian varieties.
